It's rather late for me but I want to make sure I record a few of my thoughts about the simply incredible afternoon that I enjoyed. This area was blessed by a visit from the Saints Unified Voices Choir directed by Gladys Knight. Yes, that Gladys Knight.
Tickets were limited to the two performances, one at 17:30 the other at 20:00. I was pleased to be attending the 17:30 session and had been in anticipation for the better part of the day. You know how they say the expectation of something can be more thrilling than the actual event? That was most certainly not the case tonight!
If the choir is in your area, ignore the warning about arriving 45 minutes early, if you want good seats, plan for 70 minutes or more. By the time I got in line, it was already wrapped half way around the building. Of course I might have had better fortune had I not left the ticket sitting in my van. DOH! A tiring jog later, had me waiting in the spring sun.
I still maintain that the weather right now is about perfect for me. Still, mulling about in a queue with the rays penetrating into the skin was enough to bring, not so refreshing, drops to the surface of my head and arms. Likely there was several thousand dollars to be made by an entrepreneur selling almost anything cold and refreshing. I say almost anything because you should know this took place at a Mormon meetinghouse and alcoholic beverages and iced coffee would likely be frowned upon.
After a lengthy wait, the entry line began to move forward. Only to halt moments later. Then it would slowly advance a few more paces and stop. It was like they were seating people one at a time. Talk about setting the stage with anticipation...
Once I got into the building and made my way into the seating area, I was pleased to find the interior well air conditioned and the metal seats quite pleasant. The area I managed to sit in was about half way back, just far enough behind the big screen that both the front of the building and the screen could be easily viewed from my perch.
The program began a short while later with some opening remarks and an introduction to the participants. We were then honored with a parade of the members passing from back to front in an entrance worthy of a parade. After the choir seated themselves up front, Sister Knight also entered from the rear. Probably the nicest thing that could have been done to those who were the slowest in entering the building. (scriptural perhaps...the last being first, and first being last?) Her entrance was greeted with the happiest of applause.
For those of you unfamiliar with LDS worship, applause is not something often heard from a congregation, so this was already unfamiliar, but welcome territory.
Sister Knight proceeded to the front and took up her position just before the musicians exploded into song. The rowdy beats and soulful melodies were surprising to many of us in the audience. Certainly nothing like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
As the choir ranged from one gospel song to the next, praising our Father in Heaven and his son, Jesus Christ, a pattern began to emerge. We were being introduced to the testimony and feelings of this wonderful woman. Her love and passion for her beliefs were being expressed through this vastly different music.
Again, I remind the reader, that the gospel hymns and old spirituals are not common fare during Latter Day Saint Sacrament meetings. So while it was new and somewhat unexpected, it was also very welcome. It's not often that someone allows you to glimpse deep into their soul about what they so strongly feel.
Gladys took us on that journey. Her choir supporting her through it all. Each of the members based on appearance from wildly differing backgrounds and races. They represented her vision of what the gospel of Jesus Christ is really about.
At the end of the program, she then took a moment to share with the attendees her feelings about the Mormon church. She shared a heartfelt story about how her children introduced her to the church and her first experience with LDS missionaries. She shared most of all how much it meant to her that she was able to find out for herself how this church was not what she had heard, inviting all there to find out for themselves.
Her presentation was happy and full of energy. It left people with visions and hopes for the future of the human race. The positive message encouraging everyone to love their brothers and sisters. Which meant everyone, because, as she put it "We are all children of God".
I am certain that given the opportunity to go, you will find yourself moved in new and unexpected ways. The whole program has been touring across the country and I would hope everyone would get the opportunity to view this stupendous presentation. Sometimes things such as this can get very preachy, but Sister Knight has such a wonderful spirit that the feeling of a sermon being given just isn't there, yet she is clear in her testifying of what she believes.
It is in continuing awe that I am writing this now and surely I'll continue to feel this way well into the weekend. To say that I had a good time, would be to understate the impact all this afternoon has had on me. If it were possible, I would ensure that I have plenty of experiences such as this one in my life.
Do you think I had an amazing night?