Saturday, May 29, 2010


I managed to bruise my right ring finger knuckle. Although the story behind the bruise is far more interesting than the bruise itself. 

I was having a dream early this morning that I was in a library with one of my aunts. Why we were there I can't remember, I just know I was doing some sort of homework. It required my going out to get my laptop from the rental car.

So I go out the door and into the parking lot and wander around trying to find where we had parked. When I finally locate the vehicle I climb in and drive around the lot, trying to get a parking spot closer to the building. 

I finally locate a space and after a very poor parking job, get out. At this point I realized that I could move the car into position by lifting and rolling it.

At this point a very tall guy comes over and begins to show off, lifting the car off the ground with both hands. I start to reprimand him that he should lay off what he's doing. He looks at me and says, "You shouldn't have said anything!". At which point he starts to bang the car up and down.

I'm furious that he's in the process of damaging the car, so after a brief though about whether I could take this guy, I decide to punch him right in the jaw. I swung with my right hand and outside the dream, my fist slammed into the metal post of the headboard. At which point I snapped wide awake realizing what I had done. What a weird night! That'll teach me not to fight even in my dreams!

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