Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thoughts from General Conference

First things first. I finally found a way of making sure I stay awake! I have to have my knitting with me and I can put in all the requisite hours of sitting still without nodding off.

Before you judge me too harshly, please understand I get plenty of sleep, it's just sitting sedentary for even an hour is hard for me to do. It's genetic, go to any ward where you find my father or uncles and you'll find them with their head on their chest asleep.

I like to hear the conference talks too. I usually grab copies and put them on my iTunes and iPod, so it's not like I'm not interested, it's just I can't sit still and listen for that long. Why can I sit through a 3 hour movie without difficulty? I don't know! I just feel horrible that it happens.

Actually to tell the truth, the thing that I worry most about is not the falling asleep, it's that I might start to snore and disturb those around me. I guess I should add that to the list of reasons that I really need a wife. That way she can sit next to me and periodically jab me in the ribs with her adorable elbow.

Anyway, there were some fantastic talks. Things that I really enjoyed hearing and things I'd like to implement in my own life. I was glad I was able to be there for all the sessions.

You know those people who can recite who said what and when during conference? I'm not one of those people. You're lucky if I can remember who spoke during any particular session. What I tend to take away are specific thoughts and feelings. I might remember themes or particular stories that stood out.

With the right prompts, I can remember a lot of detail, but just sitting here I probably couldn't tell you much of anyones talk. So don't expect a detailed synopsis of what was said or what it might mean.

What I did take away was the feeling that I need to think about the priesthood more in my daily life. I need to think about how what I do each day relates to my standing as a holder of God's priesthood.

We had a wonderful refresher course on pride during the priesthood session. Once again, I find myself asking what do I need to do in my life to reduce pride and selfishness. What do I need to change in myself to keep from lifting myself above others and follow the humble Savior.

I'm rededicating myself to scripture study with my family. At least one verse at a time we're going to get through the scriptures together. What I'm going to do is to let everyone mark my scriptures with our progress. We really need to get back into the habit of reading together and this will surely help. Couple that with tomorrow being the first time in a while when the children will be with me for FHE and the timing couldn't be better.

My personal scripture study is also going to continue, with greater emphasis on pondering what I read. Thinking of how it relates to me, how I can put it into practice. Those are things that I can do each and every day.

I also want to continue to work on gratitude and feeling thankful for all the things that I have. I really am blessed in my life. I need to make sure that credit is properly given.

It's now my bedtime, so I'll stop here for now. I'm sure there will be other things that I may add, or write about in another post, but this will do for now.

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